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Summer Safety Starts With a Helmet

So you got a sweet, new, stylish helmet to cruise the streets this summer–that’s awesome! But sporting a helmet is only the start of your safety checklist. Here’s a quick list of essential tips to keep your rides safe all summer long.

Eyeballs On The Road

Smart riders pocket their smartphone and keep their eyes peeled and on the road. Remember calls and messages can wait, traffic won’t.

Slow Your Roll

Sharing the roadways with cars is always dangerous, but riding faster because of it only increases the chances of an accident. Always ride at speeds you feel comfortable with and be sure you’ve got front and rear flashing lights.

Master the Merge

By law bicyclists are required to ride on the right side of the road, which means turning left can be treacherous. Be aware of traffic behind you when you are changing lanes and use your arm to signal all turns, but most importantly, wear a helmet, and obey all the rules of the road.

Keep your summer safe wherever it takes you.


Media Contact: Quarter Horse PR, (646) 627-3644
